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๐Ÿ’•How Can I overcome Old Beliefs?๐Ÿ’•

Hiya Sacred Soul,

Ever feel like you are living the same day over and over again. Do you make big to do lists, with the best intentions, but find yourself never completing them. I can totally relate andI I just couldn't seem to get past all of the things I felt were mistakes either. I would relive them my problems and create self imposed limitations. I was always striving for more, never stopping  to appreciate the now. Constantly looking for new and different ways to heal myself, but also escape the very thing I had created, " MY LIFE".

I was just so busy all the time, running in some imaginary race I had created. The race to achieve the thing, and earn the next promotion. Heck, I even created my own self imposed success markers when I first became a coach and an entrepreneur. I was recreating the very reasons I left corporate America. Still working 70 to 80 hours per week, listening to other peoples opinions, and letting my self doubt keep me small. I spent a lot of time...

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